The Art of Visceral Manipulation

What Is Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment?

Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment is a technique for rapidly assessing spinal, organ, and soft-tissue disruptions. The technique was conceived in the early 1960s by Dr. M. B. DeJarnette and expanded by Dr. M. L. Rees.
Dr. DeJarnette gave Dr. Rees research data for a promising new hypothesis, and Dr. Rees took it further by mapping points on the skull and their relationships to the spine, organs, and glands.

Why Use Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment?

Much of patient care lies in finding and understanding the problem. There are thousands of techniques for accomplishing this, but many are time-consuming, expensive, and inconsistent.
Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment offers rapid assessment of the health of the body using the network of relationships between the T. S. points, spine, organs, glands, and soft tissue that Dr. Rees mapped and documented.

How Does Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment Work?

The technique uses a series of “points” along an imaginary ring, or circular line, which follows the temporal and sphenoidal plates on the skull. The diagram below depicts a right side view of the T. S. line with the points labeled.

Sensitivity along the T. S. line when you palpate a point indicates a disruption in a vital organ and its related spinal level.

Begin your journey of discovery into Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment by clicking play on the video below and check out the information on the The Art of Visceral Manipulation 3 Day Workshops.

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Check out the information below to learn more about The Art of Visceral Manipulation and how it can be utilized in your practice.


New Live Series Starting Spring 2021. You Don’t Have To Wait For A Live Class. Please visit Soft Tissue Orthopedics page for Recorded Seminars.

Live Streaming of Each Workshop: Workshops will be live streamed. A great way learn from your home or office. Recorded videos will be provided after the class along with pdf manual.

  • Workshop 1: TBA
  • Workshop 2: TBA
  • Workshop 3: TBA

For More Information on The Series and To Register See The Bottom of The Page



What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral manipulation is an elegant manipulative technique developed by Dr. M. B. DeJarnette, founder and developer of Sacro Occipital Technique and furthered by Dr. M. L. Rees, founder and developer of Soft Tissue Orthopedics. With this technique, your practitioner can clear up and restore vital motion to soft tissue and vital organs in the body.

Why is Visceral Manipulation Necessary?

Many of the body’s mechanical problems are caused by gravity and the environment. These stressors cause restrictions, adhesions and lack of motion in the omentum, which is the tissue that surrounds vital organs. Visceral manipulation is a specific manipulative procedure and technique that frees adhesions, restores motion and allows increased lymphatic drainage and renewed blood and nerve supply to that vital organ/soft tissue that has been distressed.


The Art of Visceral Manipulation and Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment

Using Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment/Visceral Manipulation
for Rapid Assessment and Correction of Vital Organ Dysfunction

Cost: $425 per Workshop or $1075 for all 3
Returning Students: $325 per Workshop or $925 for all 3
For those students who have previously attended the, Three Days with A Master or The Art of Visceral Manipulation Seminars


Workshop One utilizes the Temporal Sphenoidal (T.S. Line) and its relationship to the spine. The attendees learn how to rapidly assess and correct vital organ/glandular dysfunction along with specific nutritional support. Workshop One focuses on spinal level Thoracic 1 through Thoracic 6 Left and Right and related organ involvement; Cardiovascular System, Lungs, Gallbladder, Stomach and Pancreas.



Workshop Two goes deeper into the utilization and understanding of the specific reflexes of the T.S. Line and how to “shunt” etheric vitality to entrance points that relate to healthy vital organ function. Workshop Two will focus on spinal level Thoracic 7 through Thoracic 12 Left and Right and related organ involvement; Spleen and lymphatics, Liver, Adrenal Glands, Small Intestine and Kidneys.



Workshop Three puts it all together: rapid assessment and correction of vital organ/glandular dysfunction, deeper use of the T.S. Line, and how to use the system daily in your practice with incredible results and patient outcome. The workshop will focus on spinal level Lumbar 1 through Lumbar 5 Left and Right and related Organ Involvement; Ileocaecal Valve, Large Intestines, Ovaries/Testicles and Uterus/Prostrate.



Massage Therapists Receive 8 CE Credits per One Day Class/ 24 CE Credits for Full Program



Register by phone: 1-973-744-7447


Online- 3 Days: The Full Series