Advanced Practitioners

Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis, Founder and Developer of Natural Force Healing, a Unique and evolutionary System of Healing and Self Healing Techniques will be presenting an online 150 hour, 18th month Advanced Practitioner Ceritification Program leading to certification as an advanced practitioner of Energetic/Vibrational Therapy. Dr. Davis is considered one of the worlds leading researchers and developers of Energetic/Vibrational Therapy for over three decades along with his wife, Lisa Davis who herself is considered a “ Modern Day Mystic, and Medical Intuitive” as she has been gifted since early childhood with her phenomenal diagnostic abilities in determining physical, mental, and spiritual imbalances in a person. She is also an inventor holding two United States technology patents and is a Spiritual Life Coach helping many to achieve their goals and dreams: www.Elemental Life Dr. Davis and his wife Lisa, also studied and traveled globally with the Late Dr. M.L. Rees, who not only was a profound researcher and developer of Advanced Chiropractic Techniques but the developer of a system of vibrational therapy based upon Madame & Pierre Curies noble prize winning work on Piezoelectricity, called “Harmonics”. Dr. Davis, not only served as the principle instructor of an International Organization made up of doctors and health care practitioners from around the world, but served as the Executive Treasurer of The International Systemic Health Organization for over ten years. This organization was started by Dr. Rees in teaching this system of healing to doctors throughout the world.This course is the first time that it will be offered online and in quarterly sessions where the student will meet with the Davis’ in person to review the material learned online as well as the presentation of new material. This will be done over the course of four meetings consisting of three days, or 25 hours of course time (100 hours) over the 18 month program. A syllabus of the course material will be provided to each student as well as manual of the course of study prior to the 50 hours of online material. A written examination will be taken by each student at the end of each of the online sessions.There will be a final written and practical examination. Each student is also required to evaluate and treat fifteen clients by the end of the 18 month program as well as preparing and presenting a video tape of a lecture presentation on energetic/vibrational therapy.Each student will also have the opportunity to spend time with Dr. Davis in his practice in Montclair, New Jersey during the 18 month program of study.

Course Requirements:

Please Note:  The completion of Natural Force Healing Phase I and II Live Workshops or through NFH Phase I and II Home Study Courses are required for entrance into the APC program.

Each potential student will be required to provide a current resume and to write no less than a 500 word essay as to why they would like to take this course and what they plan on doing with the material once completed and they are certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Energetic/Vibrational Therapy.

Students registering for the course will have the opportunity for weekly online webinar courses and curriculum leading up to the live meetings, four times over the 18 month program.

Students must show proficiency by taking an online examination prior to meeting with the Davis’.

Online Course and Curriculum begin:

3 Day Live Meetings with Dr Davis:
 Quarterly in New Jersey
The last session will be held in beautiful Sedona, AZ


  • 9,750 USDIncludes all materials, videos, etc.
  • 6 Quarterly payments: of 1,625
  • 9,000 USD if pre-paid 1 month prior to beginning the program

Includes all manuals, tapes, and materials. Does not include lodging and meals when meeting four times over the 18 month program.

Certification Program in Energetic/Vibrational Therapy Course Curriculum