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Online Store of The Art of Visceral Manipulation and Temporal Sphenoidal Line Diagnostics Resource Material
Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis, Chiropractor is teaching his mentor’s Dr. M L. Rees’ work on Temporal Sphenoidal Line Diagnosis across the U.S. and Internationally. The following resources are available to support this study.

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email:

T.S. Line Temporal Sphenoidal Assessment, The TS Line is a technique for rapidly assessing spinal, organ, and soft-tissue disruptions. The technique was conceived in the early 1960s by Dr. M. B. DeJarnette and expanded by Dr. M. L. Rees.

Dr. DeJarnette gave Dr. Rees research data for a promising new hypothesis, and Dr. Rees took it further by mapping points on the skull and their relationships to the spine, organs, and glands.
Session One looks at the spinal gland relationships of Thoracic 1-7. This session addresses Assessment through the TS Line and Visceral Manipulation Procedures and Nutritional Protocols to improve organ/gland function.

Webinar-WORKSHOP ONE: Thoracic 1-7

PRICE: $425

Session Two looks at the spinal gland relationships of Thoracic 8-12. This session addresses Assessment through the TS Line and Visceral Manipulation Procedures and Nutritional Protocols to improve organ/gland function and introduces Alpha Wave Technique.

Webinar-WORKSHOP Two: Thoracic 8-12

PRICE: $425

Session Three looks at the spinal gland relationships of Lumbar. This session addresses Assessment through the TS Line and Visceral Manipulation Procedures and Nutritional Protocols to improve organ/gland function and rerinforces Alpha Wave Technique.

Webinar-WORKSHOP Three: Lumbar 1-5

PRICE: $425

Purchase all 3 and save 200 USD = 1075

The Consolidated Reference The Temporal Sphenoidal Family Skull
The Art ofVisceral Manipulation and Temporal Sphenoidal Diagnosis- The Complete Temporal Sphenoidal Diagnosis/ Bloodless Surgery Reference Guide, contains over 300 pages. It features Temporal Sphenoidal Diagnosis, Spinal Level Major Clinical Signs and Symptoms, Bloodless Surgery Procedures, Alpha Wave Enhancement Technique and Nutritional Trophology. Diagnostic Points of The Temporal Sphenoidal Family Skull –The Temporal Sphenoidal Line, Head Gravity Line, Anatomy Impression Memory Line, Lamboid Cell Salt Line, Temporal Mandibular Subluxation Indicators, Sagittal Proprioceptors, Coronal Proprioceptors and Malar Indicator Points are all color coded and labled. Key is provided.
PRICE: $425 + $12.00 Shipping PRICE: $425 + $12.00 Shipping

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email:

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email:


The Temporal Sphenoidal Line Diagnosis
and Visceral Manipulation Digitally Held on TheSystem@Davisahs
Temporal Sphenoidal Poster
DVD and Box poster screenshot
Visceral Manipulation – A 3 hour comprehensive On-line Video of Dr. Davis performing the visceral manipulation proceedures as it relates to each spinal level. Temporal Sphenoidal Poster – a 24 x 36 inch poster organizes the Spinal Major Organ Involvement, Syndrome Names, Visceral Manipulation Procedures and Entrance Point graphics specific to the Spinal Major.
Price: $375 Price: $325 + $12.00 Shipping

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email:

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email:
Temporal Sphenoidal Line Flip Cards Temporal Sphenoidal Line Patient Education Brochures
DVD and Box poster screenshot
T.S. Line Flip Cards – These laminated 4″ X 6″ flip card set contain the Temporal Sphenoidal Diagnosis Map and Key and a card for each Left and Right Spinal Level. Each card features The Temporal Sphenoidal Spinal Level Major: Organ Involvement, Syndrome Name, Bloodless Surgery Procedures, Reflex Points Mapping, and Entrance Points Mapping for Alpha Wave Enhancement Technique. On the reverse side is the Nutritional Trophology for each spinal level. The Temporal Sphenoidal Line Educational Brochures –Patient Educational Brochures on the topics of Temporal Sphenoidal Diagnosis, Spinal Level Major, Alpha Wave Enhancement Technique, Bloodless Surgery, Visceral Manipulation, and Nutritional Trophology. These brochures describe the T.S. Line and the techniques utilized within its practice in non-medical terminology for patient education. Sold in packages of 50. A set of 50 of each of the five brochures, is 100 USD.
PRICE: $175.00 + $5.00 Shipping PRICE: $100 + $15.00 Shipping

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email:

To purchase any of the Educational Material, contact Dr. Ken Davis directly at 201.961.2290 / email: